What is the False Position Method?
The False Position Method (or Regula Falsi) is a numerical method used to find the roots of a continuous function. Similar to the Bisection Method, it requires the function to change signs over an interval, but instead of using the midpoint, it uses a linear approximation to find the next point.

What is the False Position Method?
The False Position Method (or Regula Falsi) is a numerical method used to find the roots of a continuous function. Similar to the Bisection Method, it requires the function to change signs over an interval, but instead of using the midpoint, it uses a linear approximation to find the next point.
Learn more about how it works
- Start with an interval [a, b] where f(a) and f(b) have opposite signs.
- Use the formula \( c = \frac{a f(b) - b f(a)}{f(b) - f(a)} \) to calculate the next approximation.
- Evaluate f(c).
- If f(c) is close enough to 0, c is the root.
- If f(c) has the same sign as f(a), update a = c. Otherwise, update b = c.
- Repeat steps 2-5 until the desired accuracy is achieved or the maximum number of iterations is reached.
Input Parameters
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Steps & Output
How to Read the Table
This table shows the iterative steps of the False Position Method:
- Iteration: The current step number.
- a: The left endpoint of the interval.
- b: The right endpoint of the interval.
- c: The next approximation using the formula.
- f(a): The function value at a.
- f(b): The function value at b.
- f(c): The function value at the new approximation c.
Iteration | a | b | c (Approximation) | f(a) | f(b) | f(c) |